Extensions of deadlines due to the COVID-19 crisis Eletaen Team April 1, 2020

Extensions of deadlines due to the COVID-19 crisis

Wednesday, April 1 2020


Extensions of deadlines due to the COVID-19 crisis

The Hellenic Government has adopted a Legislative Act (OGJ A’75/30.3.2020) providing the following (article 55):

  1. Installation Licenses and binding Grid Connection Offers which were about to expire:
    -by 30/6/2020, are extended by 6 months
    -from 1/7 up to 31/12/2020, are extended by 4 months
  2.  The deadlines for connecting projects which have been selected through auctions and had to be connected:
    -by 30/6/2020, are extended by 6 months
    -from 1/7 up to 31/12/2020, are extended by 4 months
  3. The effective date of the new Reference Values for non-auctions projects (which had been set at 1/1/2021) is extended by 4 months (i.e. at 1/5/2021).
  4. The deadline of the last subparagraph of article 3 par. 12 of Law 4414/2016 (which had been set at 30/9/2020) is extended by 4 months (i.e. at 30/1/2021).
  5. The deadline for acceptance of a binding Grid Connection Offer and submission of the required bank guarantee which falls within the period from the Legislative Act up to 30/6/2020, is extended by 2 months.

Download the note in pdf HERE